"Body Of War" - Cowardly Congress-Spineless Senate 6 of 7
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Interview Part 6 of 7
Q & A with Phil Donahue
View it, in its entirety, at: http://www.q-and-a.org/Video/?Program...
Read the transcript of the interview at: http://www.q-and-a.org/Transcript/?Pr...
Also check the interview with the suave, urbane and articulate Dr. Hans Blix, maliciously maligned by the Bush administration, politely answer all questions on his NOT finding any WMD:
Washington, District of Columbia (United States)
-Brian Lamb: - Chief Honcho at C-SPAN.
-Phil Donahue: Renown Talk-Show Host; exiled for being skeptical, Executive Producer, Co-Director of "Body Of War".
-Tomas Young: Honorably discharged Iraqi Invasion Veteran, T-4 Quadriplegic; Cenral character of this heart-wrenching documentary.
-Ellen Spiro: Award winning Director and Educator.
-Phillip Schopper: Documentary editor.
-Bernadine Colish: "..assembled the whole thing for us."
-Cathy Smith: Tomas Young's mother; Stalward physical/emotional/psychological supporter, tireless worker, and nurturer; with another son in Iraq.
-Brie Young: Ex-wife of Tomas Young, also loving, affectionate, reduced to acting mainly as a servant.
-Cindy Sheehan: Well known anti-war activist.
Phil Donahue
Co-Director & Executive Producer
By the way, that song you heard, "No More," I met Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam. And I had been on the Nader bus with him in '04 -- in 2000. I wasn't in '04. And I met him just by accident, a little over a year ago.
I said, "Eddie, I'm doing an anti-Iraq War documentary."
He says, "You want a song?"
And I couldn't believe it. I said -- he comes to my apartment in New York, watches a very loose assembly of our film, goes home to Seattle, calls Tomas, talks to him for more than an hour. And in four days I had the signature song for our film, "No More," part of which you saw during that demonstration in Washington. I mean, for free.
This -- I mean, this -- I've been so lucky, I tell you, Brian.
And Tomas has been asked by Sire Records and Eddie Vedder to put together an album of anti-war songs. And it's out. It's a double album called "Body of War." Tomas' picture is on the cover of the CD. Bruce Springsteen, John Lennon -- I mean, the people. Eddie's "No More" is on there.
So, that's a -- I mean, that's a lucky break, because I'm in the music world now. We've been in "Billboard." Holy cow! And we're going to need every bit of this to make this fly.
LAMB: What's the DVD eventually going to sell for for the general public?
DONAHUE: I don't -- how much is a DVD? Is it -- it may be $15.
LAMB: And do you have a Web site that you've set up around this?
DONAHUE: Bodyofwar.com. Bodyofwar.com.
Let's make the case here that our film was produced by me and co-directed by Ellen Spiro and myself. The record comes out by way of Sire Records. And they are committing their profits to good causes and anti-war causes.
LAMB: The next clip uses a lot of our video, which you'll see. And it's about the White House Correspondents' Dinner, which we cover every year, plus all the other dinners in town. So, let's watch and see how you do this.
PRESIDENT BUSH: Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere.
Nope. No weapons over there. Maybe under here.
LAURA BUSH, FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES: I said to him the other day, "George, if you really want to end tyranny in the world, you're going to have to stay up later."
Ladies and gentlemen, I am a desperate housewife.
CATHY SMITH: They are so insolated. They don't want to know about people like Tomas and the 4 or 5 percent of the population that is actually sacrificing for this war.
REP. HEATHER WILSON, R-NEW MEXICO: There are risks of action, but there are also risks of inaction.
SEN. ARLEN SPECTER, R-PENNSYLVANIA: The risk of inaction is worse than the risk of action.
REP. JOSEPH PITTS, R-PENNSYLVANIA: Inaction is more costly than action.
REP. DANA ROHRABACHER, R-CALIFORNIA: There will be no action that we could possibly take that's going to get the support of people who always find an excuse for doing nothing, when it takes courage to step forward.
PRESIDENT BUSH: If the Iraqi regime is able to produce, buy or steal ...
TINSLEY: Mr. Nickles ...
PRESIDENT BUSH: ... an amount of highly enriched uranium a little larger than a single softball ...
TINSLEY: Mr. Reid of Nevada ...
PRESIDENT BUSH: ... it could have a nuclear weapon in less than a year.
TINSLEY: Mr. Roberts ...
SEN. JOHN KERRY, D-MASSACHUSETTS: The estimates are publicly that it could have a nuclear weapon in less than a year.
SEN. TIM HUTCHINSON, R-ARKANSAS: A nuclear weapon would take no longer than a few months to produce.
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